Saturday, March 13, 2010

Back and Better Than Ever

OK-- so I've decided that in order to catch you up with my Spring Break I am going to change things up a bit. Instead of having one really really really long post, I'm going to make a post everyday this week that goes with the days I was on Spring Break. For example, my post today will go with last Saturday (the traveling day). Not to confuse you, I'm also going to post a little at the end about my actual day today. Anyway, I will be making a post everyday this week to catch you up on my life. GET EXCITED!! I also made a change on the layout. Feedback? I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I might go back to the original or keep trying out new ones, but I wanted to try the white center where it doesn't look so busy. Let me know what you think. Here we go....

Saturday, March 6th
Our journey began at 5:30 am leaving Houston. Eight girls on the road to Destin, FL. Of course, we had to stop at Starbucks which put us at about a 6:15 departure time. Wow...mornings go by sooo slow in the car. I ate some fruit for breakfast and by about 9 am I thought it was lunch time. Holy moly! I held off until about 10 and then I just had to break out a protein bar. I curbed my hunger with an Atkins Peanut Butter Crisp bar. DELIGHTFUL! I love the texture of these bars. The consumption of this bar occurred during some Shania belting! I had to strategically place my bites between songs. Who knows which one is best--"Man I Feel Like a Woman," "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?," "Any Man of Mine," "Honey I'm Home," and the list goes on. What's your favorite Shania song? 

We missed the Louisiana sign, but after grabbing lunch at Subway we decided that we HAD to get pictures with every state sign. Isn't it weird how long it takes to get through Texas and Louisiana and then how quickly you pass through Mississippi and Alabama? I think so. The stops were pretty interesting, but we did it. It may have taken some sprinting down the highway to get back to the sign, but we made sure we took good pics. 

After about 11 hours of some very fun traveling, we finally arrived in Destin. There was lots of dancing, singing and laughing on the road, but absolutely NO sleep...FUN EXPRESS!! 

Jenni and I in the backseat of our car...typical. 

We decided to lay low on Saturday. We were all pretty exhausted from traveling, so we unpacked and headed to the grocery store. We just ate groceries that we had already gotten. This meant some good ole' Kashi cereal for me. MMMMM!! After eating and handing over the security deposit (I thought I might throw up), we just hung out in our Bali Bungalow and made sure we were well rested to soak up the sun on Sunday. 

Unfortunately I got sick around the 3rd or 4th day in Destin, which made for a pretty miserable trip home yesterday, so I decided to get as much rest as possible before school starts back up. I went to bed last night around 10:45 and woke up this morning about 9:30. WONDERFUL!! I do not know the last time I got this much sleep and I still didn't feel all that well rested. After popping a Sudafed  and curling up on the couch with a mug of cream of wheat w/ blueberries I started to feel a little better. I wish I had a screen door because I feel like once I opened my door to check the temperature I felt a thousand times better. Waco was sunny and beautiful today!! After getting my to do list organized, I headed out the door to do a little grocery shopping...

BEST GROCERY TRIP EVER!!! Maybe it was the unhealthy lifestyle one lives on Spring Break with 8 other girls, but I was in full health mode when I was there. I fueled up with a mini Lara bar while I was shopping. 
Check out this loot!! 
First Time Purchases -- Greek yogurt, Chocolate Cheerios, Almond Milk, Morningstar Black Bean Patties, Protein Powder, Flax Seed and Quinoa....soo excited to try all of these!! absolute favorite food!! Is the basket of grapes not adorable?! I just couldn't pass up the chance to buy grapes in such a cute container! 

  The good HEB has an organic section that I LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I have read soo much about flax seed for a long time and with these little sample bags I finally bit the bullet and bought some. The same goes for quinoa. I've wanted to try both for a really long time but couldn't bring myself to buy an expensive bag/box when I didn't know if I liked it. I also bought some raw walnuts and almonds. I tried an almond when I got home and these things are incredible!! I will definitely be going back to get some more. 

I also purchased a blender but forgot to take a picture. I am an avid blog reader and I'm always reading about all of these protein shakes or just delicious concoctions that you need a blender for, so I decided I was just gonna stop waiting to be married and go ahead and get a cheap one. Woo hoo!! 

When I got home I unpacked all of my groceries before settling down for a delicious salad and apple. While I was making my lunch I realized that the feta cheese I wanted in my salad was missing...I had gotten all the way home and the grocer forgot to put my wheat bagels and pitas and my feta cheese in my cart. UGH!! Such a buzz kill! After eating and before going for a good workout, I had to go back to the grocery store with my receipt and claim my purchases. 

The rest of the day was composed of a wonderful workout (elliptical, arms, and squats), cleaning, a beautiful walk to catch up with my roomie, dinner and wedding planning. After dinner I went to Common Grounds to look at jobs and wedding details. There are still a few things for the wedding that I need to make sure I have under control and I feel like I got a good hold on things tonight. I feel much better. Plus, I ended up applying for a job. I came home to try out the blender when my tummy started rumbling. I made a sort of ice cream replacement. It included a frozen banana, almond milk, vanilla, hot cocoa mix, and cool whip. It didn't look pretty, but it was delicious! All in all...A PRODUCTIVE DAY!! 

I better hit the hay since it's Daylight Saving and I lose an hour of sleep...yikes! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the new layout!

    Don't forget to open your flax seeds to get their benefit! their hulls don't break down in your body, so you won't get their nutritional benefit unless you smash, chew, crush, grind, or otherwise open the little buggers!! :D

    Have fun!! :D
