I made homemade salsa for the first time and it was a hit and we made a fabulous fajita feast. I am a sucker for chips and salsa. I could seriously eat them all day long. Then, I made my Nutella Brownies and we all sat down for the big show....
OK, I know all guys think she's just the hottest thing to ever grace the show, but although I do think she's cute, I did not like Ali's new look. I loved how natural she was last season. Little make-up, always messed up hair and just all around simple, but this season she's too done up. Hair = yellow... Dress was just not her... and the throw head back laugh just all seems too fake. Now onto the boys...
Did anyone else think there was a shortage of attractive men on this show?!?! Doesn't she get a little bit of a say who is on the show? I'm not sure about her taste.

Last but CERTAINLY not least....
Roberto!: Could his smile be any prettier?!?! I think he might be my favorite. He is super nice and seems very very genuine. Right now, I'm rooting for him!
The party was soo fun and I cannot wait til next week. Apparently I have to work on my just watching, not talking abilities. I got in trouble a few times because I just can't stop talking during the show. It's just soo hard...how do you not comment on the awkwardness/cheesiness of everything?! There's no way I could be the Bachelorette. All those pick-up lines, I would just laugh.
Although I totally love this show and all the drama that happens, it is soo not reality. I get soo irritated with all the guys talking about how they just like Ali soo much and they wanted a rose soo bad...they hadn't even met her. I mean some of the guys practically cried that didn't get a rose. Did they feel a bond with her or something? It's totally just a competition. They just want to win the prize and the prize is Ali. It is not reality and that is definitely not how love happens. OK, enough of my soap box. I can't wait til next week!!